small print


small print 的定义

n. 名词 noun

small print 近义词

n. 名词 noun

tiny print in document

更多small print例句

  1. However, as the small print states, “Cost estimates are calculated in the aggregate for informational purposes only and may not reflect the nature of your specific requirements,” which may limit their usefulness for users.
  2. This season, the NFL once again will present its version of social justice as platitudes stenciled on turf and slogans in small print on the back of football equipment.
  3. The product packaging has increasingly added small print that advises users to consult their physician before consuming said product.
  4. Something like fluoride, which is too small for normal filters, yanks away that feeling of agency.
  5. And yes, someone has already called Spencer a “Small Fry,” har har.
  6. They took cover inside a print works to the north east of Paris, where they held a member of staff as a hostage.
  7. It was seen by a small delegation of star-struck prelates and dignitaries who later described the film as “moving.”
  8. It also required that ads print a disclaimer if they digitally altered the models.
  9. The Duchess had also a tent for their sick men; so that we had a small town of our own here, and every body employed.
  10. Suddenly, however, he became aware of a small black spot far ahead in the very middle of the unencumbered track.
  11. He is perplexed and hindered by the lack of soldiers, but is doing his best with his small forces.
  12. A small book, bound in full purple calf, lay half hidden in a nest of fine tissue paper on the dressing-table.
  13. Before the outlaw can comply with this small request the horn sounds again.